The most common issue with the fridge is when you don’t have a water supply in your Frigidaire fridge, in your Electrolux fridge, or any other fridge. The root cause of no water in the fridge is the water inlet valve. The root cause of no water in the fridge is the same part – the water inlet valve. If you don’t have a water supply in your Frigidaire fridge you need the first check the water filter. If the water filter is fine and the valve on your water supply line is not shut down then the root cause of no water in the fridge is the water inlet valve. Unfortunately, you can’t repair the water inlet valve replacement is the only way to go. In this video, we explain in detail what happened with your water inlet valve and quickly show to replace the water inlet valve. If you are comfortable doing that by your self then here is the step-by-step video that will help you with frigidaire fridge water inlet valve replacement. Otherwise, call an Techvill Appliance Repair to assist you.